A Game of Truth (translated into Icelandic by Rúnar Helgi Vignisson)
An essay about truth and language, religion and faith, love and heartbreak, parenting and risk-taking, published in Icelandic in a special issue of Ritið (3/2024) titled Sannsögur (e. True stories / Creative nonfiction).

An essay about language, separation, understanding, art, and Iceland, published in English and Icelandic in Una Útgáfuhús’s Skáldreki / Writers Adrift, a collection of essays by foreign-born writers residing in Iceland.

Body After Baby
A short-short story about the physicality of motherhood, published in Ós Pressan.

Gun Bubbles
A personal essay about abortion, the Icelandic language, gun violence, and motherhood, published in Issue 76 of Creative Nonfiction magazine. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

That Hole in My Heart
Winner of Glamour Magazine’s 11th Annual Essay Contest. A personal essay about falling in and out of love, having a stroke at age 22, and needing to reroute the course of my life.

Chester & Auden
A short story about love, loss, and the things we leave behind.

The Office of Outsiders
A short story published by Ós Pressan, inspired by my dealings with the Icelandic immigration office, Útlendingastofnun – literally, “Office of Outsiders.”